Pacific Salt Therapy

Breathe your way to better health in just ten minutes.


Halotherapy, as known as dry salt therapy, is a holistic approach that mimics the microclimate of a salt cave. Dry salt air is dispersed into an enclosed environment by a Halogenerator. Salt absorbs and removes the allergens, toxins and foreign substances in your lungs and sinuses. Salt also reduces any inflammation and opens airway passages making easier to breath. Halotherapy is a holistic, drug free, natural therapy to promote better healing, healthier skin, sounder sleep, improved physical fitness and endurance and overall wellness.


Safe. 100% Natural. Effective.

Halotherapy is 100% natural, safe and drug-free, backed by years of science. It provides effective long-term relief for various respiratory and skin conditions. It can be used as complementary or adjunct therapy to pharmaceuticals as a means to help maintain and control disease. It can be used for stress reduction and improvement of various skin or respiratory conditions.


Breathe easy in ten minutes.

Treatments take just ten minutes, but the effects are lasting. Halotherapy can improve your respiratory health & immunity, heal difficult skin conditions, improve athletic performance, reduce stress & anxiety and help you sleep better.


Benefits of Salt Therapy

Salt therapy has been used to treat a variety of respiratory conditions, from the common cold and flu, to allergies, asthma, and emphysema. The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can treat ear infections and conditions of the skin such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Salt therapy is especially effective when used preventatively. Visiting as little as once per week is very beneficial for general wellness by removing toxins and bacteria from the respiratory system and improving your immune system.

And YES, your pets are welcome and can benefit from salt therapy too!

Let us develop a wellness plan that’s just for you!

We will assist you in making simple yet profound changes to provide your body with what it needs to become whole, well and strong again.

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